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“All disease originates in the mind. Nothing appears on the body unless there is a mental pattern corresponding to it.”
― Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

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A Method to Deactivate Negative Experiences in the Subconscious

Have you ever had times where you're feeling stressed in your work or home life and then eventually you start to feel ill or have body aches and pains? Our bodies store unwanted emotions that will eventually show up as physical symptoms. When you clear the trapped emotional energy from the body (in the organs, glands, tissues, etc.) where the emotion is stored, our body starts to function and heal better on its own. As we use detective work and peel back the emotional layers, your body will enhance its capacity to heal on a physical level in a remarkable way! MBSR™ is an incredible technique that can immensely accelerate the healing process!

MBSR™ is great for those seeking:

  • Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.

  • Release limiting emotional baggage.

  • Enhance spiritual growth.

  • Create and foster healthier relationships.

  • Develop healthier boundaries.

  • Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.

  • Develop a deeper sense of love and self-forgiveness.

  • Experience more physical and emotional balance.

  • Enhance cognitive clarity and speed.

What is MBSR™?

"The purpose of Mind Body Spirit Release is to identify the subconscious cellular imprints that are contributing to harmful patterns that we inadvertently perpetuate.

Additionally MBSR helps to reduce emotional & physical stress on the body. 

Instead of being directed by our subconscious reactions to large or small life events. MBSR helps us to recognize what is impacting our emotions & behavior, and "deactivate" the reactions." 

- Amanda Mirabella, Master Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner


Work with me 1:1

How we can use MBSR™ + holistic wellness support to help you!


Women's Health

Get in-touch with yourself again by becoming your highest and truest self. Together, we will uncover what is holding you back from feeling your best by peeling back layers of emotional imprints on a cellular level and work towards intentions 1:1.  Protocols + continuous support are included until you feel you've reached your goal(s).



After the birth of your baby, hormones are everywhere as well as your emotions. MBSR™ can help by decreasing chronic or overwhelming stress in the body, as well as improve self-regulation. 

Protocols + continuous support are included until you feel you've reached your goal(s).



Pregnancy is a time to celebrate an amazing time in your life. Sometimes emotions are high and energy is lacking. MBSR™ is an amazing tool for pregnant mothers needing additional emotional wellness support to not only support the mother but the baby as well. 

Protocols + continuous support are included until you feel you've reached your goal(s).


Infants + Children

Our children cannot always tell us how they're feeling, especially infants.  MBSR™ has an amazing impact on our children by helping us as parents becoming aware of and more control of what behaviors are driving actions. 

Protocols + continuous support are included until you feel you've reached your goal(s) for your child.

**All session for children 15 & younger is done virtually or by phone with the parent/guardian.

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Disclaimer: The Mind Body Spirit Release™ technique is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe in anyway, or take the place of medical/therapeutic care.

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